Thursday, December 6, 2012

This displays Leibovitz' style with showing what's behind the backdrop and the modeling. It shows also bold colors with the right models shirt.
Although this is a self portrait, I think this emulates a Leibovitz later pictures, the more fantasy inspired and photoshopped pictures. Because I obviously used photoshop on this.
This shows bold colors as well, and not a typical pose.
I think that this emulates her style because of the colors and the models, it's a little different than something she would do. She normally doesn't use backgrounds like this.
This emulates Leibovitz with the brights reds and the fashion aspect of it.
This emulates a Leibovitz style because of the unusual pose and bold brick background.
I think that this is like Annie Leibovitz because of the color tones and the fact that both the models aren't really posing.
This also has bold colors, and shows the models style. Something that Annie Leibovitz really focused on.
This photo displays an Annie Leibovitz style with the kind of different pose and the bold colors, which she was known for.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I really like the mood of this picture, and the color of the turtles shell works well with the colors in the picture.

I really like the contrast between the red and green. This is one of my favorite macro pictures.

I like the pop of colors that the little frog adds, I like all the colors in this picture.

The hippo is one of the most dangerous animals, I wanted to place him in a relaxing environment with no where to go or nothing to see but trees.

Mermaids have always been my favorite mythical creature. I like how she's out of focus but the trees are in focus, it adds some mystery to the picture.

I like the way this photo shows the contrast between the fake plastic trees and the vivid picture on the page.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I like the emotion that Mike is displaying, boredom.

I like this as somewhat of a self potrait.
I like the moment that this displays, not posed or forced. Natural.

A different angle, showing Mike in deep thought.

Nef's smile is something I love so much about her. One of her best features, I really wanted to show it off in this photo.

This photo really shows off Nef''s personality, and the sarcasm that Mike shows is great.
This photo in contrast to the other one, emulates a different style. Classy, fashionable, and posed.

This shows Sam's laugh. That why I like it, its not normally how he would pose for a photo.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Light Painting:
This photo displays light painting as well, we did the same thing as in the last picture.
My friend traced me with a flashlight witch created this cool light painting, we put the shutter speed to 20 seconds on a tripod.
This photo was taken in Grand Central Station, I think that the moody of the picture is definitely busyness. Everyone has a destination. Motion was easy to capture, I put my shutter speed on low and just waited.
This displays motion because the water fountain is in motion, and my shutter speed was slow. This gives the water a super eery feeling.
This is of a ferris wheel, I put my camera on slow shutter speed and just took this. It also shows light painting as well.
This is a good display of motion because when I took this photo i used a super slow shutter speed. And panned my camera which caused the blurry affect and the lights to be fuzzy.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Foreground & Background:
 This shows foreground, background because once again my dogs head is in focus where the rest of the picture and rest of his body is out of focus.
I like this picture because only a few selected flower petals are in focus. And the rest of the picture is blurry. I also like this because it is at John Lennon's imagine memorial in central park.
This is an example of foreground background because my friend, Jeremy who is the subject is the focus of the picture. Where as the background is blurred. 
This is another example of foreground background, because the flowers (foreground) are in focus and the background is out of focus.

In this picture repetition is shown through the tree trunks and the deck. 
This is an example of repetition because the shows are the same, except for colors. The laces show repetition. And also the plaid design shows repetition.

This picture displays repetition through the lines.

 The bricks in this picture are a great representation of repetition, but also foreground background. Seeing that the window sill is in focus and the bricks are blurry.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Leading Lines:
This photo was taken from my deck on a obviously typical sf foggy day. I love the feel of the cold fog in the picture. The line on my deck is providing the concept of leading lines. And it leads the eye towards a beautiful sf view. love this city
This line is of course our peace pole, and the beautiful cloudy sky is behind it.
This is another example of leading lines, there are about three in this photo all guiding you towards the forest.
This shows leading lines, your eye is directed by the subject of the line.
The lines in the brick wall display leading lines, also the lines in the show show some definite lines.
This shows the technique leading lines because the log guides your eye, being the line and the subject in the picture.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rule of Thirds:
This is a view from my window out onto the foggy street. The thing hanging on my window is in the upper thirds of the picture. I like how its in focus and the background is fuzzy, it sets a nice mood.

Ruben is in the upper and lower thirds of the picture. I like the long lines of lockers behind him too.

The subject being the colorful flowers is in the lower third of the picture, my favorite colors!
The subject in this picture represents the rule of thirds, it is in the side third of the photo

This represents the rule of the thirds because my main subject, DREW is in the upper third region of the picture.
 This is an example of rule of the thirds because part of my subjects body are in the third of the photo. I love alex's posture in this and her hair.